Green Roofs Australasia

Australasia News

WGIC 2024

Posted on Thu, 2024-05-09 14:32 by matt



A great congress to attend and also view the award winning Hundertwasser Artr Centre living roof on the Green Excursion event.

Design Expertise

Posted on Thu, 2024-05-09 13:42 by matt

GRA provides a list of suggested professionals and companies to install a green roof.

There are many different types of green roofs, and usually experts like landscape designers, structural engineers, architects, and horticulturalists determine which is most appropriate for a specific building. The two most basic variations can be divided into extensive and intensive roofs.


WGIC 2024 NZ

Posted on Tue, 2023-10-31 13:07 by matt


03 - 05 SEPTEMBER 2024


The World Green Infrastructure Congress has been an international event since 2008 in Toronto. The congress disseminates and advocates for green infrastructure inclusion for the urban environment as an adaptation to climate variability.

Previous congresses have been held in France; Germany; India; Australia; Japan; China; Colombia and Canada.

Brisbane green Corridor Plan

Posted on Mon, 2022-11-14 18:06 by matt

‘Future Brisbane’ Includes New York Inspired Pedestrian Boulevard

A major pedestrian boulevard linking The Gabba to Suncorp Stadium would create a “green spine” in the heart of Brisbane.

The plan will create public green space; wildlife corridors and mitigate stormwater runoff and reduce UHI effects.


Posted on Wed, 2022-04-06 14:28 by matt


FYTOGREEN AUS have recently taken Diamond Sponsorship with GRA.

Fytogreen have established the company as an innovative leader in green infrastructure technology with expertise in green roof & living wall design installation & mainteneance.

Greening Brisbane City

Posted on Mon, 2022-04-04 15:31 by matt

Brisbane is rated as one of the top green global cities.

Not only the largest council in the world but Brisbane City Council is a great place to start when it comes to assessing urban eco credentials — it’s one of Australia’s largest carbon neutral-certified organisations and slashes 600,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually.
