International News

How green roofs can protect city streets from flooding

Posted on Sat, 2017-12-02 11:24 by APowell

Spring and summer 2017 have been among the wettest on record in eastern North America. And the world is still watching Houston, where Hurricane Harvey caused devastating flooding.

Rainfall amounts in the spring broke records in places like Toronto, where 44.6 millimetres of rain fell in 24 hours. The downpours earlier this spring caused the stormwater infrastructure in Canada’s biggest city to overflow, leading to flooding of busy downtown streets.

Auckland 'behind the eight ball' in making urban areas green

Posted on Sun, 2017-11-26 14:34 by APowell

Auckland has the best climate in the world for green roofing, but high costs and few incentives means it hasn't taken off, a Crown research institute says. 

Landcare Research ecologist Robyn Simcock said Auckland was falling behind the international trend of building green roofs and walls to combat the negative effects of urban development.
