International News

Biophilic design key to making Singapore a city in a garden

Posted on Mon, 2018-06-25 17:37 by APowell

Having long been known as the Garden City, Singapore has now set its sights on becoming a City in a Garden.

Used to the abundance of plants and trees well integrated into our parks, roads, waterways and even our buildings, when visiting places overseas, many Singaporeans often find it uncomfortable when they are surrounded by the concrete jungle with little green in sight.

A 15% cut in the energy bill with a 40% reduction of the direct solar radiation in dwellings and a lower indoor temperature by up to 3 degrees thanks to plants grown on roofs, balconies and external walls. These are part of the outcomes of the Italian pilot project ENEA is conducting at its research center near Rome.

Green Roof Benefits on Energy Conservation

Posted on Thu, 2018-03-01 12:05 by APowell

Green roofs are becoming increasingly popular in many countries. People are starting to realize just how many advantages a green roof has over a standard roof. Households and big companies are recognizing its benefits and incorporating it into their homes and buildings. So, how can you actually benefit on energy conservation from a green roof?

Exposure to greenery staves off depression

Posted on Tue, 2018-02-13 10:46 by APowell

Exposure to trees and other greenery has been shown to stave off depression in adults, and a new US study finds the same may be true for teenagers. 

Researchers looked at more than 9,000 kids aged 12 to 18 and found those who lived in areas with lots of natural vegetation nearby were less likely to display high levels of depression symptoms. The effect was strongest among middle schoolers, the study team reports in Journal of Adolescent Health. 
